Our Philosophy
Dr. Anne Fabricius and Dr. Stephanie Tsai are passionate about providing ethical treatment – we believe in providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your dental health. Our general rule is “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.”
When you do require treatment, we only use the highest quality dental materials and spend the time to perform the procedure well.
Premium Quality Materials and Laboratories
We only use premium quality dental materials and premium dental laboratories –the result is beautiful dentistry that lasts. Our dental laboratories include the expert technicians of Cusp in Boston, MA. Our practice only uses dental implants with proven histories of success – never ‘bargain’ brands.
To the left is a photo of an implant crown from a “high-end” dental lab used by many reputable dentists. Unfortunately, the quality is actually quite poor. The yellow arrow is highlighting superglue that they used (they aren’t supposed to!) and the red arrow is highlighting some unknown gunk on the screw. This type of work NEVER makes it into the mouths of our patients. We also do not work with this lab for obvious reasons!
What is a Prosthodontist?
A Prosthodontist is a specialist in the restoration of teeth and replacement of missing teeth. This specialty is accredited by the American Dental Association and requires 3 years of advanced formal training after dental school. Board-Certified Prosthodontists have successfully passed an extensive written and clinical examination that verifies their knowledge and skill level.
Patients can be confident that a Prosthodontist is providing them with the best care possible. Learn more about Prosthodontics at www.gotoapro.org
Cosmetic Dentistry vs. Prosthodontics
The American Dental Association does not recognize cosmetic dentistry as a specialty. A dentist advertising as a cosmetic dentist may not have any additional training beyond the basic dentistry they learned in dental school. Continuing education courses in ‘cosmetic dentistry’ are unsupervised and unregulated – usually only a few days in length, providing only a thin sliver of information. These courses often contain large segments of training on ‘maximizing profits’ and ‘selling treatments’. There are many cosmetic dentistry institutions that grant ‘awards’ and ‘fellowships’ simply through paying fees. Be sure to check the credentials of your dentist before undergoing any cosmetic procedure.
Only prosthodontists have advanced training in esthetics, dental ceramics, and smile makeovers. Prosthodontists receive thousands of hours of supervised training by the preeminent dental authorities throughout their three-year residency following dental school.